Yesterday, I decided to take it easy and go on a shorter 7mi walk with a friend of mine instead of my planned 10mi run. Somewhere along the way I hurt my foot. I wish I could build the suspenseful details, adding in some funny commentary, but I can't pin point the incident.
There was no fall - no isolated foot strike incident. I had absolutely no foot problems what-so-ever prior to yesterday's activity. With that being said, I'm limping around and can't walk very well, much less run.
As our walk began and more than 3/4 of the way through it, all was well. My friend Kat walks super fast so it takes actual concentration to keep up with her pace. Towards the end of our walk, my legs were tight and I knew if I ran her walking pace I could use a few different muscles and compensate. I still think this was a good solution but the "trotting" I did (as opposed to running) is what I think was the problem. Totally different form, totally different foot strike. Our cars were parked at the top of a steep incline and Kat challenged me to run it. When I got to the top my foot was really giving me trouble. I tried to stretch it out and that hurt. I took off my shoe, and it still hurt. When I finally made it home, just the walk from the car to the front door really hurt.
I hopped online and Googled my self diagnosis. I believe it's a Stress Fracture: A stress fracture is one type of incomplete fracture in bones. It is caused by "unusual or repeated stress" and also heavy continuous weight on the ankle or leg.[1] This is in contrast to other types of fractures, which are usually characterized by a solitary, severe impact.
The pain is in the top of my foot, extending out to the outer side and up my leg. My calves feel extremely tight, which is usually not the case for me. (My tension is always in my hamstrings.) My arch is extremely sensitive and sore. And all things considered, my knees are beginning to give me trouble due to the increase in mileage. I'm just not at a place where I can be pounding the pavement with back-to-back long run days (yet.)
So, with all of this being said I have to rest. Even if I'm completely wrong about the diagnosis, I'm in tears and I'm having difficulty coming to accept my current condition. I just know if I ever want to run again, I need rest. My son Kaden (9) brought home a crutch that he dumpster dived about 2 months ago. I asked him "What in the world do you need that for?" to which he replied "I don't know - I just think it's cool." There was a 2 week period of time where he took the damn thing everywhere, using it as a crutch, a machine gun, a javelin, pogo stick and sword - so I guess you could say he got his money's worth. Now, here I am shaking my head thinking to myself "...great - now I actually need to use this thing" He will be so proud.
The upside to my circumstance is that I can catch up on projects I have going on at home. My daughter Kacie (5) wants to design aprons and tote bags (how adorable, right?) and I just can't help but be excited about that! I have a few new books that just came in - Thrive by Brendon Braizer and The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. I've begun reading Thrive and am having trouble putting it down.
I had been looking for a Pilates & Yoga class for a while and I'm sure this is God saying "Well, you broke your foot. Now's a good a time as any cause you can't run." (In my personal relationship with God, he is quite sarcastic) I'm going to asanaFIT in San Clemente. 10 classes for $10. Very excited about that, which of course will give me a whole other group of fitness options to refer people to.
Until next time, Nourish your body- don't just feed it.
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