Monday, October 29, 2012

2nd Barefoot Run

So, this morning I'm running along the beach.  The air is cool, the sand is cool and the sun is coming out to warm up the day.  Perfect for me!  
At first, I planned to be running on the soft wet sand near the water.  When I got there, I was quickly reminded that hole in the fence doesn't have sandy beaches.  Mostly pebbles and rock.  So, I ran in the soft dry sand closer to the road.  There were tire tracks from the lifeguards and I stuck to that mostly in an effort to minimize the chances of impalement of any kind.
My first barefoot run last week left my feet tingling, which I was greatly looking forward to this time.  But that didn't happen.  During the run however, I noticed a couple of things that caught my attention.  First-- the splaying of my toes in the sand.  I was landing on the ball of my foot and my toes happily spread apart helping my legs propel me forward.  It seemed like I was using more of my entire upper leg instead of just my calves and quads, which felt all together more of an efficient stride.  The next thing I noticed was I was keeping my torso upright.  This is a big deal for me as I have always leaned forward while running.  That's how I was taught!  Recently, I have put a lot of work into strengthening my core and it makes running a whole bunch easier and more enjoyable.  My feet and legs wanted to keep going, but since I haven't run since Long Beach 1/2, my cardio didn't want to keep up.  I also remembered that my posture has to be right and if I can't maintain it, I need to stop and reset.  At this point, I have to get my cardio back up so I can even reach that point with my muscles.  I ran by "time" today because my watch is low on battery so it won't properly measure distance. I ran for 20 minutes up and back.  Tomorrow I shoot for 25 after my core workout at the Y.

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